Wednesday, March 02, 2022


I am poems

I started to write some "I am" poerty just for fun and I thought I will share them here:

I am sunflower

I am a seed what type of seed am I?
I am a sunflower seed.
Good for growing.
Good for eating after roasting.
Good for cooking oils.
Growing to be a beautiful flower to brighten someone's day with.
Eating for good taste and a nice snack
Cooking oils for an alternative to animals.I am a sunflower that dances to the sun.
Watching the sun as it moves from the east to west.
Watching it dawn to dust.
Every day I am alive, I grow and bloom and watch the Sun.
Every day I am beautiful watching the sun.
Every day I do my best.I am sunflower, ready to be picked.
What will be seeds become?
Who will see my children?
Will anyone see my children?
Will anyone be around to paint them?
Will anyone be there to eat their seeds?
Will anyone be around to enjoy the sights of all of my children?

I am water

I am h2o.
You know me better as water.
I help your body function.
I am very polarized as my two hs hate each other.
My O pulls the 2 Hs together.
I just hope the hs don't have an extra neutron as I become heavy.

I don't like oil.
I like NaCl though but you don't like it.
I mix with acids but it burns.
I can be found in the 3 major states on earth.
I expand when I am solid.
I am good for you and you should drink more of me.
I mix with minerals but they leave marks on the sink and tub.

I am h2o. Drink more and clean me clean. You need a clean me and you should keep it that way. Clean gas of me will give plants to grown. Love me like you love yourself.

I am a bomb

I am a bomb. I should not be used at all. I kill people without any care in the world. I hate when I am used. People who use me against innocents are evil. I hate myself as I am bomb.

I am a bomb. I came in many different shapes and sizes and strength. Sometimes I cause damage to Earth that takes over hundred years to repair. I take the breath away and use remove all of the O2. I have a mushroom cloud as an after effect. I am bomb and I should not be made.

I am light

I am light.
I am a wave, a particle, and energy all at once.
I travel faster in a vacuum than through anything else.
I provide for flowers, plants, and more.
Nothing can travel after that I can.
I can be produced artificially or in nature.
I am light.

My wave can have different frequencies.
I can transmit data between places.
I travel long distances in a short amount of time.
I am light.

I am the provide the energy to the earth from my source of the sun.
I allow people to see.
I give people hope and joy.
Not seeing me during the day provides sadness to many.
I hope I don't blind some if I came from a bomb.
I am light.

I am light.
I am the light that keeps you up at night.
I am the light that provides for you.
I am the light that shines until you are safe.
I am light.

I am fire

I am fire. I am used to cook food. I am used to keep you warm during the night. I am used to melt metals down to use for tools. I am used to hurt people. I am used for light in darkness. I am fire.

I am fire. I am sometimes slow, othertimes fast. I burn things. I destory things. I melt things. I puts scars on things. I am fire.

I am fire. I give people hope. I provide heat for the cold and sick. I cook things so bacteria dies and don't get you sick. I melt metals down to use for hunting. I boil water to kill bacteria. I am fire.

I am a nuke

I am a nuke.
I bring so much destruction to the world. I am thought but no I don't. I am burn when exploded. I cause problems for years to come. I have been used over two cities and I hate that. I hate being tested under water, underground or in the air. I am a nuke.

I am a nuke. Dismantle me please. Don't explode me. Get rid of me before it is too late. My siblings need to go too. My cousins give you light but don't try to use them like me. Don't get rid of me into space. I am a nuke.

I am a nuke. Just for the love, dismantle me from this earth. Remove me. Just do it. Also don't try to use me while removing me. I am a nuke and just want to be gone.

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